With every platform you have online. Be it 3rd party (Facebook Page, Twitter, Youtube Channel) or you own Asset (Website, Landing Pages, Email List), it is about understanding its role.
A rule of thumb, be it on a website, landing page or email – is one page, one task. What is the one thing you want people to do when they go to that page?
Therefore with everything we create for you, we look to reflect the visual beauty of your brand, reinforce your brand’s identity, and ensure that we are clear about what we want a user to do when they go to a specific web page.
With Website & Landing Page design, there are two elements to address. The visual side, and the strategic, digital side.
We assess what the role of each asset is, within your overall digital footprint.
A reality today is that a non e-commerce type website is typically a digital flyer for your business. It is still imperative to have that presence online because it reinforces the credibility of your business. However it is more of a passive asset.
Whereas a landing page is strategically task specific. These landing pages can be used to encourage people to optin into your list. They are used to showcase videos. They are used to directly ask for a sale. They are used for people to register to access their product, and so on.
We at Double O ensure that your website, any landing page or membership portal created for your business reflects your branding (the beauty) as much as doing the job (the strategy) it is assigned to do and of course is easily accessed and enjoyed via the myriad of mobile device types, as well as desktop/laptops.